“黄炎培杯”国际赛道 欢迎学在中国
发布人:严卫华  发布时间:2022-10-24   浏览次数:187

大家好!我们谨代表浙江金融职业学院,诚邀您参加 "黄炎培杯 "全国大学生财富管理(投资理财)知识技能大赛。

Hello everyone. On behalf of Zhejiang Financial College, we kindly invite you to participate the "Huang Yanpei Cup" National Wealth Management Game.

这个比赛将股票、基金、期货、债券、保险、银行、外汇、金融科技和其他相关的金融子市场联系起来,旨在帮助学生提升职业发展、提高生活技能,适合于任何专业的在校大学生。The game is available to any expert or inexperienced undergraduate student from any major. This comprehensive game links stocks, funds, futures, bonds, insurance, banking, foreign currency, Fintech, and other related financial sub-markets, which was designed to help students develop both occupational and life skills.


This game is sponsored by China's National Association of Vocational Education (NAVEC) and conducted by Zhejiang Province NAVEC and is held by Zhejiang Financial College. Five primary contests were established, including the individual stock trading simulation competition, the financial knowledge competition, the securities trading simulation team competition, the financial planning team competition, and the insurance business team competition. I will now provide a brief overview of the individual stock trading simulation competition.


The "Huang Yanpei Cup" National Wealth Management Game is a real-time investment portfolio simulation application, and you will own one million RMB in your simulation account.

What’s more, according to the competition's rules, the capital position of each stock in your portfolio cannot exceed 30% of the total amount of money in your account.

You can invest online with your money in your account, during the contest. We will rank every participant by your final rate of return at the end of the period.

Remember, each participant will register individually, and only one account per person will be permitted.





To register for the game, you firstly need to open a browser, and search for port to this game by this web link.

It can be easily noticed that on the very top of this page, you need click “international participants application for higher education track.

Then you can sign up for this game. You need to input your Chinese phone number into the first row and click the right-hand side button in the second row.

If you made it right, you would receive verification code on your cellphone and then input this code to here.



Click the red button and you can fill your information under the guidance on the website.

After finishing all these steps, you can go back to this page and registration is completed.

Please keep in mind that the application opens from Sept.3 to Oct. 30, 2022.





we would show you how this trading system works.

When you finished registrationgo to “international Participant Application for Higher Education Track “ like before and then you can log into your account.

You will find two interfaces, the upper one is detailed information for your trading target, while the bottom one is your trading area that you can operate online.

In the market information area, we can see the information of securities varieties in each sector such as SSE(Shanghai Stock Exchange), SZSE(Shenzhen Stock Exchange), and SSEscience and technology innovation board.



We will take "Gree Electric" for example. Input "Gree Electric" stock code "000651" to the search box, and the stock's score chart and market information will pop up in the market information area.

We can also switch to the daily K-line chart, weekly K-line chart and monthly K-line chart of the stock in the upper right corner. In addition, using F10, we can obtain information about the company's fundamentals. For example, by viewing the company's financial statement data to determine the company's earnings, operations, and solvency.


In addition, in the window on the far right, we can see a lot of information, which reflects the five-file handicap, volume ratio, increase, equity and other information, which has an important reference role in choosing the timing of buying and selling.


You can input the stock code that you want to buy, take "Gree Electric" for example, and you can check your capital position right over here. You can adjust the price and amount that you are willing to pay. By the way, it is optional to decide whether to record your strategy for buying the stock. Now you can click the red button to upload your application for buying the stock. Of course, you can sell the stock through this port on the next trading day. Remember, recalling your order is allowed as long as your transaction has not been completed.

Feel free to contact us. Our email is tzlcjnds@163.com.


  1. 股票模拟交易个人赛的留学生赛道参赛者单独设置奖励。

Notice: those who rank by the front could earn a respectable cash award for winning this game.

  1. 免费参赛

It is free of charge to involve in this game.